List of homophones by type. Definition and examples

Homophones are words or phrases that sound too similar to distinguish them.

Homophones are words or phrases that sound too similar to distinguish them. They are also known as commonly confused words because the phonetic resemblance frequently causes undeniable confusion.

Alphabet Homophones

English alphabet pronunciation contains homophones, matching sounds, common applications, rhyming letters, rhyming words, and common errors.

The English alphabet can be difficult to speak and/or retain for many learners, either because the sounds employed in English are absent from their native tongues or because the letters are pronounced differently. 


able / ABC,AD,AM(common uses)/ J,K(rhyming letters ) /pay,hey(rhyming words) / E,R( common confusions) 


One contraction appears in several sets of homophones. For instance, the words heed and he'd both have the pronunciation [hēd]

It can be challenging to spell homophones because there is no way to determine which spelling to use by hearing out the different words because they all sound identical. Given below is the list of such words:


You’re / your

It’s / its

We’re / weir

They’re / their, there

Aren’t / aunt

We’ve / weave

I’d / eyed

He’d / heed

We’d / weed

I’ll / isle

You’ll / yule

He’ll / heel, heal

We’ll / wheel

Here’s / hears

There’s / theirs

What’s / watts

Who’s / whose

Magic E

All native speakers learn the “Magic E” spelling rule when they are young, although other English language learners frequently aren’t aware of it. The simplest explanation is that adding an E makes a short vowel sound “speak its name,” or take the pronunciation of that letter when you say the alphabet.


ate / eight

bale / bail

base / bass (guitar)

based / baste

brake / break

chased / chaste

daze / days

gaze / gays

Plurals and Third Person

Few books emphasise that the rules for which of the three sounds you require in each case are the identical for both third person “s” verb forms (gets /s/, needs /z/, choices /Iz/) and regular plurals (bats /s/, beds /z/, choices /Iz/). Matching words with a “s” ending to words with similar sounds is one method for making them simple to recall. Here is a collection of such words for plurals and third person, broken down into /s/ and /z/ endings.

Homophones with /s/ sound for plural/3rd person

Apps / apse

Cops / copse

Flecks / flex

Hurts / hertz

Lacks / lax

Laps / lapse

Links / lynx

Minks / minx

Sacks / sax

Tacks / tax

Tucks / tux

Whacks / wax


Homophones with /z/ sound for plural/3rd person

Bays / baize

Boos / booze

Brays / braise

Brews / bruise

Brows / browse

Chews / choose

Claws / clause

Cores / cause

Crews / cruise

C’s seas sees / seize

Days / daze

Does (= female deers) / doze

E’s / ease

Frees / freeze

Greys / graze

G’s / jeez

Gays / gaze

Gores / gauze

Hoes / hose

Hows / house (verb)

Knows / nose

Lays / laze

Paws pours / pause

Pleas / please

Pores pours / pause

Prays preys / praise

Pries / prise prize

Pros / prose


Standard British English is used to create this alphabetical list of homophones. Some words are not homophones in all dialects and dialects of English.