Component-integral object composition.

A configuration of parts within a whole is defined by a component-integral object composition relationship.

The components must have a specific functional or structural relationship to one another and to the thing they make up in order to qualify as a configuration.. Composition is a key design principle in object-oriented programming. It is the process of combining objects into larger structures. This can be done by inheritance, by creating new objects from existing ones, or by integrating existing objects into new ones.


One of the benefits of composition is that it allows for more flexibility and reuse of code. By breaking down objects into smaller components, we can create new objects that inherit the functionality of the existing ones. This makes it possible to create new objects that are specialized for a particular purpose, without having to duplicate code.

Another benefit of composition is that it makes it easier to manage complexity. By breaking down an object into smaller pieces, we can more easily understand and change its behavior. This is especially helpful when we need to make changes to an object that is part of a larger system.

Component-based composition is a special case of composition where the components are themselves objects. This can be used to create very complex objects from simpler ones. The benefits of this approach include better reuse of code and improved understanding of the behavior of the resulting object.


In general, composition is a powerful tool for creating flexible and reusable object-oriented code. It can be used to create new objects from existing ones, or to integrate existing objects into new ones. Component-based composition is a particularly powerful technique for creating complex objects from simpler ones.