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Planning an event

Read a dialogue where three people negotiate who does what to achieve a task.

Planning an event can be a daunting task, but with a little bit of planning and attention to detail, it can be a breeze! Here are a few tips to help you plan your next event:

1. Define your goals and objectives. What are you hoping to accomplish with this event? Make sure your goals are realistic and achievable.

2. Choose a date and location. Once you have a general idea of when and where your event will be, you can start to narrow down the details.

3. Create a budget. This will help you determine how much you can realistically spend on your event.

4. Start promotion early. Get the word out about your event as soon as possible. The more people you can reach, the better!

5. Make a list of everything you need. This includes things like food, supplies, décor, etc. Having a list will help you stay organized and on track.

6. Delegate tasks. Planning an event can be overwhelming, so delegate tasks to others who can help. This will lighten your load and make the process more enjoyable.

7. Have a backup plan. Things don’t always go as planned, so it’s important to have a backup plan in place. This could include having a backup venue or contingency funds in case of emergencies.


All right, so I've divided up the tasks among the three of us planning this event like this:

@Jen: make guest list, schedule social media announcements, arrange room set-up, organise musicians

@Ed: book catering, send out invitations, design posters, book speakers

@Mike: reserve rooms, design invitations, write and publish blog post, get emcee

But please don't feel like we need to stick to this. If you prefer to do something else, feel free to say so.

Mike, 14:41

Yeah, I was thinking, as you are project leader @Mike, maybe it's best you make the guest list? I've got experience in graphic design so I'm happy to design the invitations.

Jen, 14:50

@Jen, do you mind designing the posters too? I'm not very good at designing.

Ed, 14:55

Sure, it'll be fun. If I take the poster design off you @Ed, do you think you can organise the musicians?

Jen, 14:56

Absolutely, I know some really good musicians that do events like this one. And I also know a really good emcee. Do you want me to take over getting the emcee too?

Ed, 14:58

@Ed I actually already have an emcee in mind, so I think I'll handle that. I'd appreciate it if you could write and publish the blog post about the event though.

Mike, 15:01

That's not a problem. I quite enjoy online marketing tasks.

Ed, 15:01

If that's the case @Ed, do you want to schedule the social media announcements too?

Jen, 15:03

I can do that ... if someone books the speakers.

Ed, 15:04

I'll book the speakers. And since I'm making the guest list, I should send out the invitations too. @Jen, are you still OK with arranging the room set-up?

Mike, 15:08

Yes, let me do the room reservations as well.

Jen, 15:09

Good idea. That would work nicely.

Mike, 15:10


Planning an event doesn’t have to be stressful. By following these tips, you can be sure that your next event will be a success!

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