What are Collocations?

November 29, 2022 1:01 PM
In the English language, collocation refers to a natural combination of words that are closely affiliated with each other. Some examples are "pay attention", "fast food", "make an effort", and "powerful engine".
Definition : 

A collocation is a combination of two or more words that are often used together. Collocations are not just random combinations of words, but combinations that are considered natural or standard in a language.

SpeakoClub Tip : 

Some common English collocations are "a big deal," "give me a break," "hardly ever," and "used to."

Examples : 

In English we say : 

  1.  "make a decision,"
  2.  "take a risk,"
  3. "have a conversation."
  4. We don't say "make a risk" or "take a decision." 
  5. He's a very talented musician.
  6. She's a brilliant doctor.
  7. They make a great team.
  8. I had a terrible headache.

These combinations of words are called collocations.

Types of Collocations : 

There are different types of collocations:

1. Verb + noun: make a decision, take a risk, have a conversation

2. Adjective + noun: strong coffee, beautiful sunset, delicious meal

3. Noun + noun: traffic jam, power outage, love affair

4. Adverb + verb: work quickly, drive slowly, think carefully

Rules : 

There are some rules for using collocations:

1. Don't use a collocation if it sounds strange or unnatural.

2. If you can't think of a collocation, try using a different word.

3. Be careful with collocations that are only used in specific situations or contexts.

Conclusion : 

Collocations are an important part of language learning. By learning common collocations, you can sound more natural and fluent in your speaking and writing.

The following collocation conclusion is based on the data and information presented in the article.

The use of collocations can help improve students' writing skills.