Vocabulary for Negotiations in Grammar

July 27, 2022 6:22 PM
It is a process of giving and take, in which each side tries to get the best possible deal for themselves.

In order to negotiate effectively, it is important to understand the definition of the words being used. In the case of grammar, this means having a strong understanding of the definitions of negotiation-related terms. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most important vocabulary for negotiations.

Definition : 

Negotiation is a process of communication between two or more people with the aim of reaching an agreement. It is a process of giving and take, in which each side tries to get the best possible deal for themselves.

Negotiation categories : 

The vocabulary of negotiation can be divided into three main categories:

1. The process of negotiation
2. The people involved in negotiation
3. The outcome of negotiation

  1. The process of negotiation includes the following key terms:
  • agreement – an understanding or arrangement between two or more people
  • compromise – an agreement in which each side gives up something they want in order to reach a agreement
  • concession – an agreement in which one side gives up something in order to reach an agreement
  • deadlock – a situation or condition in which no agreement can be reached

  1. The people involved in negotiation include the following key terms:
  • negotiator – a person who takes part in a negotiation
  • stakeholder – a person or organization with an interest in the outcome of a negotiation

  1. The outcome of negotiation includes the following key terms:
  • agreement – an understanding or arrangement between two or more people
  • concession – an agreement in which one side gives up something in order to reach an agreement
  • impasse – a situation in which no agreement can be reached

SpeakoClub Tip:

If you want to get what you want in a negotiation, you need to be clear about what that is. You also need to be prepared to walk away if the other person isn't willing to meet your needs.

Examples : 

1. You and your partner have been dating for a while and you are both ready to take the next step. You sit down and discuss what you both want and need from the relationship. You come to an agreement about exclusivity and monogamy.

2. You are considering hiring a new employee. You and the potential employee sit down and discuss the job requirements and what the potential employee expects from the job. You come to an agreement about the salary and hours.

3. You are considering buying a new car. You and the car salesman sit down and discuss the different car models and what each of you is looking for. You come to an agreement about the price and the features of the car.

Conclusion : 

The negotiators reached an agreement on the following points:

1. The negotiators agreed to continue to work together to resolve outstanding issues.

2. The negotiators agreed to keep the lines of communication open.

3. The negotiators agreed to continue to negotiate in good faith.