Unit 5: Making arrangements

The family had very unusual living arrangements. “What were your sleeping arrangements?” “I slept on the bed while he slept on the floor.” We'll have to change the seating arrangements for the dinner party. Her job includes an arrangement of her boss's travel plans.

Questions or statements while making any arrangements
Here are a few questions that are frequently asked when establishing plans:

  • Do you have any spare time on Tuesday?
  • When would you want to meet?
  • What time would be most suitable for you?
  • Please let me know, thanks.

How to express time?

  • Use ‘on’ with days: Can we get together on Monday?
  • Use in conjunction with months, years, and other phrases:

           I'll be visiting my grandparents in October. 

  • Use ‘at’ with other words and phrases, such as times: Could you call me at 3pm?
  • Use ‘next’ to refer to future dates.

           I hope we can get together again next week. 

  • When beginning a future time clause, use ‘when’: Let's get together as soon as it's convenient.

How to use tenses?

Use the present simple to discuss a schedule: The next semester runs from 1 September until 16 December.

Use the present continuous to discuss a future arrangement: Our subsequent meeting will feature Mr. Toshiko.

Use the verb "be going to" when discussing a plan: We will study pollution in the upcoming term.

Tenses used for future:

After when, if, and next time in future time clauses, use the present simple:

  • I'll give you a call when I get to the airport.
  • When I graduate from college, my dad and I will work together.
  • If the weather is nice, let's go for a stroll.
  • When you return to Paris, do you plan to visit his family?