Unit 2: Sending and receiving emails

A process sends an email to a user and another process receives the email, by either sending a response to the sender or writing it to a log in the console. Learn how to talk about the different parts of an email in English. This Unit 2: Sending and Receiving Emails Unit is suitable for 6th - 12th Grade. You've got mail! Budding business associates practice constructing messages to co-workers during the second of nine career education and skills lessons. Individuals drag and drop the components of emails to enhance their online communication skills.

From: amir@house4you.in

To: faizul_aftaan@gmail.com

Subject: Bills for products ordered


Please find attached bills of the Table and Chair delivered to your home.

We wish to be at your service in future as well.


Amir Ali


House4you Pvt LTD

Receiving email sample

From:  faizul_aftaan@gmail.com

To: amir@house4you.in

Subject: Bills for products ordered


I have received your mail regarding the bill. Please expect the payment to be done before 8th September2022.


Faizul Aftaan