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Children today play very violent games-IELTS

There is no doubt that video games have always been popular among children. Many people argue that playing very violent games must be a cause for the rise in crime and violence in many cities across the world

You will have one hour to finish the entire writing test, including tasks 1 and 2. It is advised to complete work 1 in no more than 20 minutes and devote the remaining time to task 2, as task 2 will earn you more band than activity 1. Grammar and word usage on the test will both be taken into account when determining your score. Use around 150 words for task 1 and 250 words for task 2, respectively.


Today's kids play a lot of violent games. The rise in crime and violence in the majority of world's largest cities must be due to this. 

What do you think about this?

Sample answer-

Nowadays, violence and crime are more prevalent than ever in practically all places throughout the world. The research has demonstrated that there are several causes for this. However, playing violent video games as a child is only one of many potential causes. I therefore strongly disagree with the assertion that global crime rates have increased. 

Aggression and irritability, which are inherent aspects of human nature, are the culmination and root of violence. Given this, it would be incorrect and unwise to attribute all of the escalating vehemence to violent or intense video games.A suitable illustration would be to compare modern children's conflicts to those of earlier human generations, when children's entertainment typically consisted of virtual games rather than actual killing and fighting. The world is not becoming more violent as a result of games, and the rise in crime cannot be attributed to children's games. Furthermore, there is no proof that playing video games would harm kids. 

A number of factors, some of which may vary depending on the region of the world, contribute to the rising trend in crimes and violence.For instance, children in the west are more likely to be introduced to drugs and alcohol than those in Asia. It is believed that poverty and unemployment are the main causes of the high crime rates. Additionally, personality disorders are linked to the rise in teen violence. Therefore, these are ranked above violent games that were played as children. 

However, young children who are exposed to such games have a tendency to become sensitive to violence and attempt to emulate the game characters. The manner that the crimes are shown in these games will help the kids learn about the various ways that crimes can be committed. They give themselves this kind of motivation to commit crimes.

In the conclusion, rather than blaming crimes only on the games, every city needs to focus on other aspects of crime prevention. To reduce high crime and violence rates, they must address overcrowding, unemployment, and poverty in greater detail.


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