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The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel

The frequent use of fuel in automobiles, factories and aircraft has caused so much damage to our environment today

You will have one hour to finish the entire writing test, including tasks 1 and 2. It is advised to complete work 1 in no more than 20 minutes and devote the remaining time to task 2, as task 2 will earn you more band than activity 1. Grammar and word usage on the test will both be taken into account when determining your score. Use around 150 words for task 1 and 250 words for task 2, respectively.

IELTS writing task 2 topic

The best solution for the world's environmental issues is to make fuel more expensive. How much do you concur or disagree? 


Some people believe that in order to address environmental issues, the government should raise the price of fuel for cars and other vehicles. Share your thoughts.

Sample answer-

Overusing fossil fuels has recently become a major source of worry. Some people contend that raising the price of fuel may be the best way to address environmental problems. Personally, I think that other measures ought to be taken into account as well. 

First off, raising gasoline prices will not lessen the world's reliance on fossil fuels. It should be observed right away that people still are unable to immediately reduce the enormous demand for gasoline, even when the price of fuel climbs dramatically. For instance, despite changes in the price of gas, individuals still need to drive their cars on a regular basis. The fact that gasoline is also made for various industrial and agricultural uses is another obvious explanation.The national economy could experience several negative effects if fuel prices rise. 

The issues caused by excessive fuel consumption should be addressed when it comes to lowering greenhouse gas emissions. At the moment, reducing the demand for resources in routine tasks like travel or production is the most realistic solution. This can be accomplished by promoting the use of energy-efficient products like hybrid cars or by incorporating innovative energy-saving technology into manufacturing. Additionally, utilising alternative resources to reduce the reliance on fuel is the most sustainable course of action. The Netherlands has demonstrated the effectiveness of wind and tidal power, nuclear power in Japan, and solar electricity in the United States.To lessen the globe's reliance on fossil fuels, these may be used elsewhere in the world. 

All of the aforementioned information demonstrates that merely raising the price of gasoline would not lessen the consequences of global warming. To address this issue, some potent alternative actions must be put into action.


To prepare for this exam all you have to do is work hard and gather as many resources as possible from books, online websites, videos etc. For further information you can visit SpeakoClub and receive a lot of information regarding IELTS. Both the exams have their own importance. Nothing is impossible, not even this exam. Once you decide to clear it then all you need is a proper dedication to clear it and achieve your life goals.

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