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Types of IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay.

Some people believe eating animals is not ethical, whereas others disagree. As one of the most common IELTS writing task 2 essay questions, in this one you have to discuss two opposing viewpoints as well as give your own opinion. 
Discussion and opinion based essay

As one of the most common IELTS writing task 2 essay questions, in this one you have to discuss two opposing viewpoints as well as give your own opinion. 

For example,


Agree and disagree essay

There is also an IELTS writing task 2 essay where you need to express your agreement or disagreement with a statement. It's OK to partially agree or partially disagree, but it's better to give a strong opinion. 

For example,

Children watch more social media as parents are not strict with them. Agree or disagree? Discuss. 


Two parts essay

During this IELTS writing task 2 essay type, you will receive two parts to the question. The question has two parts that you must answer. 

For example,

Climate change is real

How are industries responsible for it?

Are existing laws enough?


Compare and contrast essay

IELTS writing task 2 also involves comparing and contrasting two objects by listing their similarities and differences. 

For example,

Some people like to travel via airplanes whereas others by train.

Compare and contrast both the situations


Problems and Solutions essay

As an alternative to listing out problems associated with a particular topic and suggesting possible solutions, you can also write an IELTS task 2 essay that implies solutions. 

For example,

Most of the cities don't adopt door to door waste segregation management.

What are the problems associated with it? Additionally discuss the solutions.


Cause-Solution essay

As with problems and solutions essays, IELTS writing task 2 can also be broken down into causes (reasons) and solutions essays, which can be divided into three parts (causes, reasons, solutions) or two parts (causes and solutions). 

For example,

Divorce cases in urban cities have increased.

What are the causes?

Discuss the solutions.


Advantages and disadvantages essay

IELTS writing task 2 involves writing an essay describing the advantages and disadvantages of something. To complete the task, you must answer both questions. 

For example,

Online education was the new normal during covid pandemic.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

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