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Topic 07: Internet use in six categories by age group – Table

Seven age groups' internet usage is represented in the statistics.

Topic 7

According to the research, youngsters like to play games and read the news, while those in their mid-twenties prefer to shop and make purchases.

The table shows that teens spend most of their internet time playing games, reading news, downloading, and making purchases. Rarely do they look for humans. As internet users become older, they spend more time doing product searches, with news and product purchases coming in second. The most popular activity among internet users between the ages of 40 and 60 is purchasing products. Age causes a decline in download activity and an increase in people-searching activity.

As shown in the table, just 5% of teens' activities include looking for individuals, but as they become older, this percentage rises to about 30%. On the other hand, downloading from the internet accounts for 52% of teens' online activity, albeit with time this percentage falls to around 30%. Similar to this, teens are the group most likely to play online games, while the percentage of adults who do so rapidly declines.

In conclusion, young people mostly download and play games online, whereas adults primarily seek for and buy things. All age groups use the internet to obtain news and make purchases, while older folks generally look for other people online.

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