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There have been many inventions in human history, such as the wheel

There have been many inventions in human history, such as the wheel. Some people think the most important thing is the internet.

You will have one hour to finish the entire writing test, including tasks 1 and 2. It is advised to complete work 1 in no more than 20 minutes and devote the remaining time to task 2, as task 2 will earn you more band than activity 1. Grammar and word usage on the test will both be taken into account when determining your score. Use around 150 words for task 1 and 250 words for task 2, respectively.


In the course of human history, many inventions have been made, including the wheel. The internet, in the opinion of some, is the most significant thing. How much do you concur or disagree with this viewpoint?

Sample Answers-

The development of fire, the wheel, and the foundation for modern printing technologies all occurred during the prehistoric period. Later, during the Industrial Revolution, they developed more sophisticated machinery and began utilising motorised vehicles. Even though all of these amenities have demonstrated their historical importance to humanity, some claim that the Internet is the most significant invention ever. Despite some advantages of the Internet, in my opinion, such a statement is exaggerated.

The Internet facilitates the quick and convenient storage, exchange, and dissemination of information in our digital age. An rising number of people upload their files to the Internet as a primary method of data storage. For instance, tens of millions of individuals use Microsoft's OneDrive, a cloud storage service, to save their files. The Internet also makes it simple for people to contact their friends because it is a vital communication tool. This is amply demonstrated by Snap Chat, a messaging service that attracts millions of users each month. As a crucial tool for facilitating the spread of information, the Internet is a final point.Facebook, a social network that serves as a virtual platform to support idea dissemination whenever and wherever it is desired, is a great illustration of this.

In conclusion, the human species has benefited much from the Internet, but other key discoveries have also been made, such as electricity, engines, and mobile phones. These three innovations, along with the Internet, will continue to be the pillars of humanity in the future, in my opinion.


To prepare for this exam all you have to do is work hard and gather as many resources as possible from books, online websites, videos etc. For further information you can visit SpeakoClub and receive a lot of information regarding IELTS. Both the exams have their own importance. Nothing is impossible, not even this exam. Once you decide to clear it then all you need is a proper dedication to clear it and achieve your life goals.

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