Note, Table, Diagram and Summary Completion Questions-IELTS

Learn how to answer Table Completion & Flowchart Completion questions. Follow this proven strategy & discover key tips for a higher score. See examples from real IELTS Reading test papers.

1- Note- There's a good possibility you'll see a note completion question on your test because note completion questions frequently appear on the IELTS Listening exam.

2- Table- Questions involving the preparation of flowcharts and tables regularly appear in the IELTS Reading test. They appear to be more difficult than they actually are, but if you know what to do and have a solid plan for doing it, you can succeed.

3-Diagram- IELTS process diagram questions may include a wide range of graphic formats. A industrial process, a system diagram, or a natural process like the water cycle could all be used as examples.

4- Summary completion- a concise explanation that highlights the key details or concepts of something


1- Note

Here is an example from previous year questions

2- Table

Here is an example from previous year questions 

3- Diagram

Here is an example from previous year questions

4- Summary completion 

The two different types of summary completion questions are illustrated by the following two sets of instructions from the official IELTS website.


To prepare for this exam all you have to do is work hard and gather as many resources as possible from books, online websites, videos etc. For further information you can visit SpeakoClub and receive a lot of information regarding IELTS. Both the exams have their own importance. Nothing is impossible, not even this exam. Once you decide to clear it then all you need is a proper dedication to clear it and achieve your life goals.