True/False/Not given Questions-IELTS

Learn how to answer True, False, and Not Given questions. Includes 8 top tips & a proven strategy with examples to help you improve your score in the IELTS Reading test.

You must decide if the information in "True, False, Not Given" questions is true or false. A number of factual statements will be provided, and it is your responsibility to determine their veracity by comparing them to the text. The reading paper's question about this is arguably the most challenging one.


Source: IELTS past papers in Cambridge English.

You will be given a variety of factual assertions, as you can see above, and asked to read the text in order to determine if the statement is accurate, untrue, or not given.

SpeakoClub Tips-
  • Don't assume anything and disregard anything you already know about the subject. rely solely on the text for your responses. 
  • Find any qualifiers for the statement, such as some, all, mostly, frequently, always, and occasionally. Because they can alter the meaning, these words are there to see if you have read the entire statement. For instance, "Coca-Cola has always created its beverages in the U.S.A." and "Coca-Cola has mostly made its drinks in the U.S.A." have different meanings. 
  • When verbs like "suggest," "assert," "believe," and "know" are used to qualify statements, you should exercise caution. Examples are the differences in the phrases "The man said he was a British citizen" and "The man is a British citizen."


To prepare for this exam all you have to do is work hard and gather as many resources as possible from books, online websites, videos etc. For further information you can visit SpeakoClub and receive a lot of information regarding IELTS. Both the exams have their own importance. Nothing is impossible, not even this exam. Once you decide to clear it then all you need is a proper dedication to clear it and achieve your life goals.