How to write a composition in 5 steps-CEFR

You must decide what you're going to write about before you can begin! That is precisely what happens when you brainstorm. Spend some time considering your topic, the compositional style you're utilizing, and the sources you're using to support your argument (if your assignment demands sources).

Note down any inspirations, pertinent information, and connections you find. You may also attempt freewriting as you brainstorm to see how your thoughts fluctuate between your topic and sources. When you are brainstorming, take your time because this is the period when you could come up with the ideal topic sentence and discover connections between sources you hadn't previously considered.


Making an outline is the next stage in the writing process. This serves as the composition's fundamental structure.

By providing you with a visual representation of your composition's flow, an outline aids in its organization. You might need to submit your outline and get it approved before continuing with your composition, depending on your assignment and instructor. Even if you aren’t, it may be quite beneficial to establish an outline so you have something to follow and refer to when writing and revising.


Write your composition utilizing your plan and brainstorming notes. Remember that you don't have to write everything in the correct sequence; it might actually be beneficial to start with the section that is easiest for you to write, such as the conclusion or one of the supporting paragraphs, and work your way out from there.

At this point, don't stress too much over making grammatical errors. Those will be fixed after you revise your draft. Likewise, don't focus on a sentence or paragraph that feels odd, out of place, or otherwise not quite right right now. You will also smooth that out while editing. Just concentrate on getting the words from your head into your composition while you write your first draft.


Give yourself a break once you've finished the first version. Take a few hours—ideally, twenty-four hours or so—to concentrate on other tasks or rest since you'll be a better editor when you return to your work with fresh eyes.

Read your draft one more time after your break. Make a list of all the grammar errors as well as the words, phrases, and paragraphs that seem awkward. Consider the larger vision before making any minor modifications, such as adjusting word choices, correcting grammar issues, and streamlining sentence and section transitions. Check to determine if your work has any logical fallacies or if there are any opportunities for further research.


You accomplished the labor-intensive process of turning a first draft into a second draft when you edited your writing. You could have revised or added additional phrases by the time you got there. Check to see if you made any errors in the new sentences or if you missed any in the lines you saved from the original draft at this point.