What is typing and plagiarism ?

Plagiarism is the act of passing off someone else’s work as your own. That’s the most basic definition—there’s actually a lot more nuance to…
Definition of Typing-

Typing is the process of writing or entering text by pressing keys on a typewriter, computer keyboard, cell phone, or calculator. It is distinct from other text input methods such as handwriting and speech recognition. Letters, numbers, and other symbols can be used to represent text. Lillian Sholes, the daughter of Christopher Sholes, the inventor of the first practical typewriter, was the world's first typist.

Techniques of typing-

  • Hunt and peck

             Hunt and peck (two-fingered typing) is a popular typing technique in which the typist presses each key individually. Instead of relying on memorised key              positions, the typist must locate each key by sight. Although good accuracy can be obtained, using this method may prevent the typist from seeing what has              been typed without looking away from the keys, and any typing errors made may not be noticed immediately.

  • Touch Typing-

            The typist uses this technique by keeping their gaze fixed on the source copy at all times. Touch typing also entails using the home row method, in which             typists rest their wrist down instead of lifting up and typing (which can cause carpal tunnel syndrome). Typists should sit up straight, leaning slightly forward             from the waist, place their feet flat on the floor in front of them, one foot slightly in front of the other, and keep their elbows close to their sides, forearms             slanted slightly upward to the keyboard; fingers should be curved slightly and rest on the home row.

Definition of plagiarism-

Many people associate plagiarism with copying someone else's work or borrowing someone else's original ideas. However, terms like "copying" and "borrowing" can obscure the gravity of the offence. In other words, plagiarism is a form of deception. It involves both stealing and lying about somebody else's work.

All of the points mentioned below are considered plagiarism-

  • Submitting another person's work as your own.
  • Using someone else's words or ideas without giving credit.
  • Not putting a quotation in quotation marks.
  • Changing words but using a source's sentence structure without giving credit.


Original ideas, like original inventions, are considered intellectual property and are protected by copyright laws. Almost all forms of expression are protected by copyright as long as they are recorded in some way.