When to use “all right” vs. “alright”?

Although the English words "all right" and "alright" have almost identical meanings, the two-word variant is more frequently used in professional writing.

Find out the difference between the terms "all right" and "alright" and how to properly utilise each.

The Chicago Manual of Style, The Merriam-Webster Dictionary of English Usage, and Garner's Modern American Usage all include "alright" as an English language term. The normal English phrase "all okay," which denotes "favourable" or "yeah," is condensed into a single word.

How to Use ‘Alright’ in a Sentence

The word “alright” can appear in a sentence in several forms.

1. As an affirmative statement: "She invited me, so I said alright."

2. As an adjective: "To quote the Who, 'the kids are alright.'"

3. As an adverb: "I thought we played alright."

4. As a single-word acknowledgment: "Alright. I heard you."

What Does ‘All Right’ Mean?

“All right” takes on different meanings in the English language.

1. As an adjective: When used as an adjective, “all right” means "good." The degree of good can range from "passable" to "fantastic," depending upon context and a speaker's inflection.

2. As an adverb: The adverbial form of “all right” means "well."

3. As an affirmation: You can say “all right” to affirmatively respond to a statement or question.

4. As an adverb and adjective: Sometimes “all right” is a two-word phrase using different parts of speech. If you tell someone their answers were "all right," it means every one of them was correct.

How to Use ‘All Right’ in a Sentence

There are multiple uses for “all right” as a two-word phrase.

1. An affirmative statement: "All right. I will do it."

2. As an adverb: "It was working all right until this morning."

3. As an adjective: "The breakfast at the hotel restaurant is all right."

4. As a two-word phrase with multiple parts of speech: "I went through your answers; you got them all right."


After using it in his 1865 short tale "The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County," American author Mark Twain made the single-word spelling of "alright" ubiquitous. Today, the word "alright" may be found in both British and American English, among other cultural varieties of the language. Most often, it is used in casual writing and certain style manuals may flag it as a typo of "all fine."You can also download our app from the playstore or visit our website.