What Is Narrative Writing?

A narrative can be fiction or nonfiction, and it can also occupy the space between these as a semi-autobiographical story, historical fiction, or a dramatized retelling of actual events.

Essentially, creating a narrative is writing a tale. A narrative can be either fiction or nonfiction, or it can fall somewhere in the middle, such as in the form of historical fiction, theatrical retellings of real-world events, or semi-autobiographical stories. A work is narrative writing if it recounts a tale using a narrative structure.

Writing it

Writing a linear narrative doesn’t mean you can’t incorporate elements of a descriptive or viewpoint narrative. If your nonlinear essay about the five best summers of your life calls for a passage that shows the reader everything you saw, smelled, and swatted away one year at camp, write that passage. 


Each type of writing has its own unique characteristics, and narrative writing is no different. Here are key characteristics you’ll find in most narratives:

Descriptive language: This type of language evokes feelings rather than directly stating facts. Descriptive language techniques include metaphors, similes, personification, and onomatopoeia. Characters: A story might have just one character, or it can have a huge cast of characters. In some stories, the narrator is the only character present. The narrator is the figure from whose point of view the story is being told, and they might (or might not) interact with the other characters. Among the characters, nearly every narrative needs to have a protagonist. The protagonist, also known as the main character, is the character whose story is being told as they work toward a goal or face a challenge. You can also download our app from the playstore or visit our website.