How to write dialogue -CEFR

Learning how to write dialogue is an essential undertaking for any author looking to bring their world to life
  1. Put Quotation Marks Around Said Words

Double quote marks should be used to denote speech wherever   possible.

Example: “Hey there! Are you going to the party?”, asked Danish

2. Stay Outside the Quotation Marks When Using Dialogue Tags

In order to identify a character's line of speech to the reader, dialogue tags are used. The punctuation remains inside the quote marks, while dialogue tags remain outside of them.

Example:, "There was a mess all around", Bella said.

The comma comes before the first quotation mark if the conversation tag comes before the dialogue.

Bella said, "There was a mess all around."

The following tags start off lowercase if the speech concludes with an exclamation point or a question mark. The conversation is still punctuated within the quote marks.

"There was a mess all over the place!” , she clarified.

3. To introduce a new speaker, start a new paragraph.

An indent should be used to signal the start of a new paragraph whenever the speaker changes. You should include the speaker's action in the same paragraph if they take one after speaking. When someone else starts speaking in the next paragraph, switch to a new line. This makes it clearer to the reader who is speaking and who is acting.