What kind of book are you writing?

Types of books are defined by the format, method of manufacture, or appearance of the books. Genre refers to the content of the writing in the book.

There is no one ideal method for writing a book. NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) participants occasionally produce a number one bestseller. Others begin by creating a detailed blueprint and organised plan. Some people (typically not authors) may get a publishing deal based only on their proposal. This article will walk you through each phase and provide guidance on how to write your book in the most effective manner for you.


Stories in fiction literature are entirely or largely made up by the author. (We say primarily because other genres, like historical fiction, present stories based on real events, but the author makes up the characters' motivations, precise language, etc.)

The most published and widely read fiction books are novels. They are lengthy (loosely defined as over approximately 40,000 words, but generally in the 80,000–120,000 range, with some being much longer). They can be of many different forms and genres and tell a single, cohesive story (e.g., commercial fiction, literary fiction, upmarket fiction, young adult, science fiction, fantasy, romance, historical, horror, etc.). Examples: Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude and Toni Morrison's Beloved are two examples.


Publication through traditional publishing houses is the classic way of getting a book into stores. Generally, you pitch your finished book to an agent, who then pitches it to publishing houses to buy. (In some cases, you may not need an agent.) These publishers write a contract to pay the author (usually a small amount up front, and some sort of revenue split, but there are many forms a deal could take), then they take care of the printing, distribution, and sometimes marketing of the book. You can also download our app from the playstore or visit our website.