How to talk about employment gaps

Sharing the positive things that happened during your unemployment and the things you learned from the difficult times says a lot about your attitude and personality. Your answer could show that you are a good fit for the company or job. Be confident.

Making a work gap into a positive is crucial when discussing it. This may seem odd at first, but the aim is to use the question about the gaps in your resume as a springboard into why you'd be a fantastic fit for the position. In the end, that is what an interview is designed to evaluate.

It's vital to keep in mind that you shouldn't ever feel compelled to share personal information when describing the reason you took time off from work. Instead, the objective is to demonstrate that a career break has no bearing on your ability to perform this particular job.

In light of this, the following two strategies should be applied while discussing a job gap:

  1. Concentrate on your skills that make you a good fit for the position.

You'll put yourself in a better position during an interview if you can link the gap on your resume to abilities relevant to the role. Here are some essential abilities you might want to concentrate on:

  • Detail-orientation
  • Your capacity for rapid learning
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving\sOrganization
  • collaborating well
  • Adaptability
  • Having initiative
  • Resilience

It's time to connect the skill to the job you're applying for after you've connected it to your employment gap. You can shift the conversation's attention to your future by adhering to that natural flow.

  1. Demonstrate your readiness to reenter the workforce

Even if it's what you desire most, going from being unemployed to having a full-time job can be challenging. In an interview, this can seem like a catch-22 situation. By assertively demonstrating that you're prepared to make that shift, you can assuage interviewers' concerns.

For instance, if you freelanced or took on part-time work during your employment gap but didn't list it on your resume, you may discuss how that experience served as a stepping stone for your future. If you completed a course or obtained a certificate in your profession, those actions may indicate that you have been looking for work similar to the one for which you are applying. Disclosing the soft skills  you’ve gained during your time away from work can also contribute to your readiness to start working again.