Recommended book-writing tools:

Google Docs is a word-processing tool that comes with your Google account. If you have a Gmail account then you already have access to Google Docs.

Before the computer, there was the typewriter, which was followed by pen and paper, which was followed by many other extinct writing implements including clay, papyrus, wood, slate, parchment, and, of course, pens made of reeds. (Fun fact: the "reed pen," which was used to record events as early as 800 B.C., served as the inspiration for the term "Reedsy.") As you can see by now, writing has always been a component of human society, even back when people used to carve stories onto cave walls. As human civilization has developed, so have writing equipment. In fact, there are so many options available to writers and storytellers nowadays that they are spoiled for choice.


Redsy Book Editor

Does the phrase "fake it 'til you make it" apply to you? A free online word processor that formats your book as you write is called the Reedsy Book Editor. Watch how your rough draughts transform into a polished, ready-to-publish masterpiece, and let this last sight of your work inspire you to create more. It has a built-in goal reminder system and an automated spell checker to help you get back on track if you find yourself slacking off on your writing deadlines. The Reedsy Book Editor's ability to rapidly typeset your book to EPUB and print-ready PDF files is another of its greatest features.


Do you like when someone gently taps you on the shoulder to remind you of something? You'll probably love using Draft as it can send you regular email reminders about your daily word count objectives in addition to keeping track of how many words you write each day. (Of course, you may always turn the reminder feature off if this seems a little too "hands-on" for you.)

Apart from that, Draft operates very similarly to Google Docs, letting you monitor changes, contribute via suggested adjustments, and leave comments on the document.

Libre Office

Yes, we did state that we wouldn't bring up Microsoft Word since everyone is aware of its value as a writing tool by this point. But we didn't say we wouldn't bring up LibreOffice, which is its open-source alternative.

For those who wish to sample Microsoft without paying the price, LibreOffice is the free alternative. (Open source refers to the fact that the programme was created using code that anyone may review and improve.) Additionally, it works with all of the common file formats that people are accustomed to, including.doc,.docx,.xls,.xlsx,.ppt, and.pptx files.


Have you tried any of the above writing tools — and if so, which were your favorites? Or maybe you feel there are some great resources missing from this list? Let us know in the comments below! You can also download our app from the playstore or visit our website.