How to write a letter, email, or message to your representative

State your subject clearly in the email subject line or the first sentence of the letter. Stick to just one issue in the letter. Identify yourself as a constituent. State your views, support them with your expert knowledge, and, when appropriate, cite the bill number of relevant legislation (e.g., H.R.)

Do you want to make your voice heard by your representatives, but don't know how to start? Writing a letter, email, or message to your representative is a great way to make sure they know what's important to you.

Here are a few tips on how to get started:

1. Find out who your representatives are. You can usually find this information on your state or local government website.

2. Decide what you want to say. What issues are you passionate about? What do you want your representatives to know?

3. Keep it polite and professional. Remember that your representatives are busy people, so try to be brief and to the point.

4. Include your contact information. This will help ensure that your representatives can easily get in touch with you to discuss your concerns.

5. Send your letter, email, or message. You can usually find contact information for your representatives on their website.

Making your voice heard by your representatives is important. By taking the time to write a letter, email, or message, you can make sure they know what's important to you.