The purpose of a eulogy

This is why eulogy writing must be succinct and well-structured.‍

One of the most significant aspects of a service is a eulogy, which is a means to commemorate the memories of a lost loved one during their burial. It is genuinely a final tribute speech to family and friends, outlining how much this person meant to you as well as providing details on their life and accomplishments. This is why eulogy writing must be succinct and well-structured.

Common topics to cover
  • History: In this section, you will discuss the person's place of birth, childhood, and other personal characteristics.
  • Career: Talk about your occupation, how you got there, and possibly some of the jobs you've always wanted to have.
  • Awards and personal accomplishments that a person has made during their life are included in this category.
  • Use particular instances from the eras you are discussing in your tales. People often grin when they hear detailed stories because they offer character and affection.
  • Talk about any memorable encounters you had with this person, a moment you'll never forget, any advice they gave you, or how they influenced your life.
  • Anecdotes: Tell a short amusing story of an incident that happened. Stories like this can add a natural sense of humor that is respectful to the deceased yet light on the audience



Although writing a eulogy can be difficult and emotional, remember if you always speak from your heart you can’t say the wrong thing. Also, it is important to take into consideration the audience that is listening to you and remember how sensitive and emotional this time is. Including family and friends into your speech will create unity. You can also download our app from the playstore or visit our website.