Consequences of plagiarism

The use of plagiarism is not just in academic writing. Online material and creative writing are both susceptible to plagiarism.

Plagiarism may result in severe repercussions. Here are some possible outcomes based on the plagiarism's type and the university's or instructor's policy:

  • Academic probation
  • Failure of the assignment
  • Failure of the course
  • Suspension
  • Dismissal from the program or the institution


Although no one owns an idea, plagiarism in literature often refers to the unauthorised use of another author's characters, location, particular plot, or notions. Fanfiction is sometimes not seen as plagiarism when the author recognises that their work is based on an already published work.

Asking the original author for permission to reprint their work and, if they agree, being sure to acknowledge them can help you prevent plagiarism when it comes to online content like blog posts and infographics.


Plagiarism occurs when one writer attempts to pass off another writer’s work as their own. But that’s not all plagiarism is. Plagiarism also occurs when a writer references another’s work in their own writing and doesn’t properly credit the author whose work they referenced. It’s even possible for a writer to plagiarize their own work.

Plagiarism should be avoided for a variety of reasons. For one, it’s dishonest. Put simply, presenting another writer’s work as your own is lying. You can also download our app from the playstore or visit our website.