Eulogy | Part-2

What is the greatest way to remember your loved one? A eulogy may aid in your recovery and be a lovely way to remember the nuances that made them unique.

An somebody from the family or a close friend delivers this speech during the funeral or memorial service. An effective eulogy emphasises the deceased's enduring influence on their family and community. You'll get the chance to discuss both their special traits and the positive ripple impact and change they brought about in the world around them through your speech.


Do they just include family and close friends, or do they also include others? There may be some things to speak or keep silent about.

How will they be feeling? Those closest to the individual will undoubtedly be quite emotional while listening to you, and some of them may even start crying. This does not, however, imply that the eulogy should be sombre and dismal. If what you have to say is uplifting and motivating, people will be appreciative.

What is it they desire to hear? Most people prefer to hear positive things about a deceased person and ignore their negative traits. But just because someone passes away doesn't make them a saint. Your target audience will want to believe that you have nailed the character's unique qualities and soul. So, be sincere, but picky.


An effective eulogy provides the listener something to remember the deceased by and, in a sense, brings the dead to life in their imagination. You may accomplish this by recounting anecdotes about the individual that summarise their life: the joyful, humorous, tragic, and strange events that occurred. You may use your words to paint a picture for the audience by describing these as well as the enduring traits that best capture who they truly were as a person. You can also download our app from the playstore or visit our website.